Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Christmas Clutter

Cleaning up Christmas clutter!

I love holidays!  And I love decorating for holidays.  But putting away all the holiday decorations is never fun.  Now that the kids are grown and gone, I try to sort out and give away decorations and ornaments each year, so that seems to add to the cleanup time.  Also, this year, in the beginning of December we had heavy rains, and I had water leak into some of the boxes (yes, they were plastic!), so I had to re-think storage.  It was a two-day project to gather, sort, and box up all the decorations for storage. I seem to remember that each year I say to myself “I’m not doing that next year!”- but then, autumn rolls around and I’m ready to get out Fall, then Halloween, Thanksgiving and finally Christmas decorations.  

I usually drink a few cups of tea through the day, but during this project I kept a pot of hot tea going throughout the day.  The large Traveling Teapot brewed several pots of Yunnan Gold, my favorite, to keep my energy and spirits up. 


La Tea Dah said...

Oh, how I can relate to this post! It seems like during the child rearing years we gather --- even Christmas ornaments --- and then once they are grown --- we start paring down. Sometimes it just seems to be so much work to "keep" things. Yunnan Gold works beautifully for enhancing energy with a task like yours!

Marilyn Miller said...

I know this sight well. Cleaning up after Christmas and paring down is a challenge. The past few years I have been trying to do that too. Tea definitely would help when faced with this challenge. Yunnan Gold is my all time favorite, a perfect choice for the work to be done.